Onboarding New Senior Members
To provide steps and best practices for introducing new Senior Members to Civil Air Patrol and accomplishing Level 1 of CAP's Education & Training program
Applicability of Senior Members
Senior members are persons who are over the age of 18 years, having joined CAP after achieving their 18th birthday or having served formerly as a cadet member and transitioning membership to senior member after their 18th birthday.
NOTE: Cadets who turn 21 will automatically be reverted to senior member status in accordance with this SOP, unless the cadet intends to resign from CAP upon reaching their 21st birthday. Cadets may not remain cadet members after turning 21 years of age.
NOTE: Cadets who reach their 18th birthday but elect to remain active as a cadet member are not subject to this SOP; however, all members over the age of 18 years—to include cadets—must complete CAP's Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT).
Overview of Initial Training for Senior Members (Level 1)
Level 1 training provides new senior members with a foundational familiarization with Civil Air Patrol's mission and scope, corporate structure, critical/applicable policies, and access/use of the eServices web system.
Senior members are required to complete Level 1 training prior to being permitted to supervise cadets on their own due to Level 1 consisting of CAP's Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT).
Completing the Membership Process
NOTE: All forms shown on this page are samples only and should not be used as they may be updated by CAP at any time. Current versions of these forms are available on the CAP Forms website.
The Recruiting & Retention Officer (RECREN) is responsible for the recruiting of new members into Civil Air Patrol. The RECREN compiles all of the necessary information from the candidate member to assist in completing their paper-based membership application (CAP Form 12).
*All senior members must undergo a fingerprint-based Criminal History Records Check (CHRC).
Once the application is completed and ready for review, the RECREN coordinates with the Commander to review the application before the Commander accepts/signs the application.
Once signed by the Commander, the application is mailed by the RECREN to the Personnel/Member Services office at CAP National Headquarters (NHQ):
105 S Hansell St
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112
NOTE: The RECREN maintains a supply of fingerprint cards (FD Form 258), a resupply of which may be ordered through eServices in the Administration (Material Orders) portal.
NOTE: A current list of membership fees and accepted forms of payment may be found on the CAP website. It is suggested that applicants provide a written check to be included with the application packet to be mailed.
Applicants should expect 7-14 days for processing by NHQ. Members will be considered accepted and active once they appear in eServices and are provided with a CAPID (membership identification number). The RECREN will communicate the new member's introduction onto the CAP roster to the:
Deputy commander(s), as applicable
Education & Training Officer
Information Technology Officer
Personnel Officer
Cadet Commander
For senior members recruited by an existing member (i.e., cadet child, parent, spouse, friend, etc.): The RECREN must ensure that the corresponding member receives the appropriate credit for recruiting the new senior member. This is tracked in eServices using the Personnel (Membership System / Recruiting Info.) portal.
Initiating the Onboarding Process
Prior to submitting an application, the RECREN should review with the applicant their intentions and "career path" as an incoming member in Civil Air Patrol to ensure that the applicant has a clear understanding of their desires to pursue membership, training requirements upon approval as a CAP member, and available opportunities thereafter.
The RECREN will coordinate with the Education & Training Officer (ETO) to establish a plan of action for the member to complete their Level 1 training. The RECREN will work with the member for their first-time logging into eServices and coordinate with any squadron staff members, as appropriate, should any issues arise.
Upon notification of the new member's addition to the roster, the Information Technology Officer (ITO) should coordinate with appropriate parties at higher echelons to ensure the member receives an Ohio Wing email address.
NOTE: Because it may take several days or weeks for the members to receive their OHWG email address, RECREN should continue to coordinate with the member and appropriate squadron staffs to ensure that the individual receives any pertinent information until their email address is received.
Completing Level 1 Training
The ETO will work with the member to assist them completing their Level 1 training. The ETO must coordinate with the Commander to ensure that the member is scheduled for a Cadet Protection Program Training briefing/summary conversation prior to the completion of Level 1 and being "released" from training.
As a component of Level 1, the ETO must ensure that the member is assigned to a "career pathway" based on their membership application status:
Prior Cadet
Prior Military
New Member [Applicable to most new applicants]
Professional Appointment
NOTE: It is critical to adequately review the above items with the applicant to ensure that they are placed into the appropriate category for continued progression within the Education & Training Program. Additional documentation may be required to be provided to National Headquarters for further administrative action.
Once all Level 1 task items/courses have been completed, the ETO submits the member's "Path for Approval" in eServices (Professional Development / Professional Levels portal) which notifies the Commander that the individual has completed all required Level 1 items. The Commander will then approve the member as having completed Level 1.
Once approved by the Commander, the Personnel Officer will coordinate—with the Administrative Officer (certificate) and Logistics Officer (ribbon and epaulets, as applicable)—for a presentation of the member's Level 1 completion certification (may require coordination with the Cadet Command Staff for schedule interfacing).
Assignment to a Duty Position and Specialty Track
Upon Level 1 approval, the member may now be assigned to a duty position. They should also be assigned to appropriate Specialty Tracks—relative to their duty and educational track—to begin training and developing within their functional area. The Commander or Deputy Commander will make the appropriate duty assignment in eServices and will assign Specialty Tracks as appropriate.
It is suggested that prior to completing Level 1, members are placed into a "shadow" role to begin exploring and learning about various staff opportunities while still undergoing initial training. eServices will not allow members without Level 1 completion to a duty position; so, all duties assigned until then are arbitrary and are for learning purposes only.
Ongoing Training
Upon completing Level 1, senior members will automatically be enrolled into the path to complete Level 2 training. The ETO will continue to work with and monitor members to ensure adequate completion of subsequent training programs.
Cadet Protection Program Training requires renewal required every 48 months (4 years). The ETO must monitor squadron members regularly to determine if any members are approaching their due date for CPPT recurrent training. The ETO coordinate with the Commander to assign/schedule members to complete their CPPT recurrent training as required.